What I’ve learnt about the virus which has had an incredible impact on the whole world

My bullet-point list of things I’ve learnt about this crazy Coronavirus so far:

  • It originated in Wuhan, China, where it was transmitted to humans via some other undefined animal in a market.
  • It is incredibly efficient at transmitting from human to human in close proximity.
  • Mortality rate is estimated to be at least 2%, which is quite a few people due to the transmission efficacy.
  • It shows up with a variety of flu-like symptoms in most people who contract it.
  • It is exceptionally dangerous to the ‘at risk’ groups: the over-70s and anyone with a fragile immune system.
  • It can be contained where very strict human-movement measures are put into place, and where testing and tracing is used.
  • The far east has been the most effective at containing the virus (China reported just over 3k deaths and then it all cut out; the UK is at 9k deaths; the USA is now over 18k deaths and it doesn’t seem to be calming yet).
  • The west has been incredibly poor at containing it (governments trying to be liberal failed miserably).
  • The UK initially thought ‘herd immunity’ would be wise (letting the virus run loose), and then adjusted it’s irresponsible policy when it realised the health system (NHS) couldn’t cope with such an idea. The Netherlands also favoured herd immunity, but with an apparently stronger healthcare system.
  • The economy in every country has suffered immensely, with a lot of industries being completely suspended (such as mine).
  • Most countries now are operating with some form of ‘lockdown’ policy in place.
  • Healthcare workers in most countries are the most valued people in society right now. They are doing an incredible job while being underpaid, and while being under-armed ‘soldiers’ trying to save vulnerable people in the UK and other nations.
  • A vaccine might be available in about a year from now.
  • No-one knows when ‘normal’ life will resume…


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